Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Next Wednesday I scheduled a photo shoot with Riesling! I've been wanting a picture of him with the black background for awhile now and a local photographer was having a discount to build her equine portfolio. 

I've started saving some pins on pinterest of shots I want to mimic, but tell me, what are your favorite looks? Yes I will be going against drs orders and be riding and out of my boot. But realistically I'll just be bareback and probably only without my boot for like 15 minutes. #diditforthegram

P.S. Enjoy these ~magical~ pictures from when I first got Riesling and thought I was a photography master


  1. lol girl, didn't you just get relegated back to crutches for rushing your foot's recovery?!?

  2. I can't wait to see how the shoot turns out! I want to have a portrait of Moe done sometime.

  3. Oh Doctors... they have no idea. Can't wait to see pictures!

  4. Looking forward to seeing your fancy pics!
