Exhausted ponykins |
I jumped again! Sunday Aimee came over and played ponies with me! Of course that means I had to jump. The goal for the "lesson" was to keep a forward pace, and overall look less awkward. We started out doing figure 8s over fences. Then we added in another jump to make a little course, and our final course ended with a bending line! It was so fun. I'm so happy to be getting some confidence back. Now this was not the eq lesson so my equitation was really really terrible. Aimee snagged some cool video so I'll add that after the pictures. Oh yeah, warning, the first clip I fall off haha. It was a total my bad moment. Overall, I'm super happy that I had a get 'er done attitude!
Apologies for the lack of blogs. I'm so stressed from school that I am not eating or sleeping. So my priorities are on managing that right now. School will be over soon though!