Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Spring Break

Why yes it is halfway through spring break and I'm JUST NOW POSTING.

The arena is finished! I have yet to play on it due to time/weather. But today is the day! I had so many plans and grand ideas for this week and yet..I've done none of them. Today is my only day off from work besides the weekend and I do have some lofty goals!

Also, I am still catching up on blog posts, but I've made it to January at least! It is my goal to be less than one month behind at the end of the week, so I better start reading.  

School is trucking along, but I'm 100% over it. I'm working with HR to make an internship so I only have three classes to take next semester before I graduate. I have final projects galore that need worked on this week, but man all the time I thought I would have somehow is no longer there. 

Time to spend my day playing ponies!

1 comment:

  1. hooray! I'm glad your arena is finished. 1 Semester left? You can do it!
