Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Jump All the Things!

Happy Tuesday!
Yesterday I wanted to ride SO bad. It had been like three weeks since I last rode. Ries has been out and was ridden by my wonderful friend Crossfit. 

Someone told me once I work too damn hard to afford my horse to not enjoy my horse. And they are right. I get caught up so easily in trying to make money and do things for other people I don't do things for myself. So I said SCREW IT to the animals I'm house sitting and figured they could wait an extra hour and a half to have dinner. Because I deserve to ride, damnit! 

So I hopped aboard Ponykins in our new Ogilvy set up. And wouldn't you know that my schooling boots are still at my house. My Monaco's hurt like a bisnatch right now because they aren't broken in..which means I really did need to ride in them. Pain is worth doing the things you love!
There was this lovely little set up of jumps in the arena ranging from 2' to 2'6. I knew Ries was MORE than capable of jumping any of them, but since we are both out of shape it wasn't fair to ask him to do a lot. 

But guys, I DID IT. I jumped ALL THE JUMPS. There was no coursework because I'm out of shape but Ries was SO happy to jump again, just like me! 

Here are the jumps from left to right. 

2' Red vertical one stride (or two. Ries has a long stide and we either would get a mega long spot or chip) to 2' white fence to a full two stride 2' fence. Going towards the middle of the arena there is a green/red/white oxer that was maybe 2'3 but it seemed super little. The next "outside line" (tracking right) was a small 2' two stride to a green/yellow brown box 2'3 jump two strides to a SWEDISH OXER. I made that thing my bitch. It was maybe 2' but it was wide (compared to a vertical) and omg it rode like a DREAM. It was by far the funnest one. And the last jump you can see between the standards to the swedish oxer was a yellow/green/white vertical. I believe it was around 2'6. It seemed like the "biggest" jump out there. 

We had a few fumbles but my horse is a freaking saint. I jumped all the jumps once. I rode through the outside line on the left side twice just because the striding was so awful the first time. But I threw my leg on and immediately after the jump trotted away before walking. There were a lot of walk breaks. Ries didn't get very sweaty, I think I give him less credit for his fitness than he deserves. On the other hand, I need to get my ass in gear. 

After the first jump all I could do was smile. It was fantastic. I was just smiling the whole time. Welp, back to DQ land! 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Monday Musings: lunging

Been house sitting. Nothing too exciting. I needed to play with my new ogilvy pads! I'm not sure why, but the dressage saddle spoke to me. Weird, I know. Anyways, not sure how I feel about the grey. Someone enlighten me please. 

I lunged prissy pants on Saturday because something told me he was going to be a twat. I was right. He was kinda lazy and rude tracking left and tracking right he gave me the middle finger. He DID NOT want to go right. He just tried to turn into me and gave me a sassy face. I made him work through it and we ended on a somewhat positive note. But he was being an ass. I'm thinking he was still pissed about having his ribs out and SI out. But dude its fixed. I put lots of pressure all over his body after and he was totally fine, no soreness. 

Interesting note, he kept swishing his tail meaningfully at his left flank..not sure what could be going on there. Maybe just a hair out of place.

Question: my horse hates lunging. How do I get him to respect me more? I have to like threaten to beat him with the lunge whip to get any sort of forward out of him. I pretty much have to lunge on a 10 meter which is not my goal. Grrr.

Friday, July 10, 2015

I suck at goals.

 2nd Quarter Goals Review

Which is ok. I know I didn't work hard enough towards my goals and looking back I can realize that I went an ENTIRE QUARTER without doing shit. Well I did a little shit. So lets talk about what happened in 2nd Quarter.

Make every ride a lesson. I feel pretty confident I completed this one. In fact, I worked my horse so much that he was bodysore for the show. /fail.

Do all of my workouts. Jokes. I did NONE of the workouts. Damnit.

Jump I did manage to jump on my own without the holding hands of SB for once. Yay.

Show WOHOO I did this guys! And I rocked it!

Limit My Spending Hahahahahaha major jokes. Damn Mary's. I was doing so well, too! Kinda. I'm a liar. I'm not even putting this on my goals list for next quarter because I want all the things always and who am I to deny myself that happiness?

Use my planner daily. Ugh. I'm actually going to try to suck less at this. This weekend when I clean my house I'll dig it out and start actually planning crap. Like blog posts. What a concept.

Overall progress: 3/6. 50%

3rd Quarter Goals

 Horse Goals:

Sell shit. If I ain't using it, I'm selling it. SO I can buy more stuff, of course.

Get in a routine. After the vacation and horse show I'm basically out of my riding groove. I need to get back into it.

More pictures. For y'all.

Show da Poney Yeah. Going to bribe him with a lot of cookies.

Me Goals:

Eat Better I've been trying but realistically to implement this goal I need to plan my meals better.

DO THE F&*(#&$(* WORKOUTS It isn't fair to Ponykins to be a fatass while he is fit. 

Use my planner 

Actually blog for once. Like plan dat shit out. Can you tell I'm happy it is friday while I am writing this? 

Alright. So I'm adding 2 more goals to each list. Hoping to exceed 50% this go around.   

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Throwback Thursday

Circa 2011. Right when I got my Pessoa saddle and wasn't a total puss about jumping. P.S. I hope you all enjoy my super awesome face in all of these lol.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

San Diego Adventures

Well Im back! I meant to post yesterday but seeing I do this at work and was slammed yesterday, it got put off until today. I had a fantastic trip!

Me and my BFF from HS at the beach
Basically I went to the beach, saw some friends, went shopping at Mary's, saw a baseball game, went to the fair, and ate a lot of Mexican food!  My phone is running out of storage so I had already deleted a bunch of photos from my trip, but as y'all are all equestrians I figured these were the most important ones anyway ;P

My friend Brittany and I went on the adventure together and you might notice her face and other body parts in pictures ha. I didn't really have money, and nothing caught my eye anyways, until this.

But alas, I already had an Ogilvy. What was I going to do? Consult Queen Tack Ho and get her opinion.

And because I was OBVIOUSLY getting the burgundy Ogilvy baby pad I had to try it on with the half pad to see how atrociously  beautiful it coordinated.

And because the pads are by the breeches..the wonderful sales associate and I began talking about the new Sarm Hippiques they carried and wanted me to try them on. Which led to trying on more breeches. I didn't mind trying on the Sarm's because I figured I would never be able to afford them anytime soon, so I couldn't be too tempted to buy them.

But then they led to the pair on the left (of which I can't remember what they were..something with the sticky gel like knee patch)

And then the Ariat Triumph's (which are FANTASTIC btw)

And of course I've never tried Trophy Hunters so lets give those a go.

And the piece that went home with me. Some Goode Riders.

I also tried on a slew of Pikeurs (and just realized I forgot to try on Le Fash breeches :( ) for funsies. I seriously was not planning on coming home with any breeches. Darn sales lady.
I loved the colors of this! However I knew it wouldn't match ANYTHING I own

Some other random pictures from the shopping adventure. This was a Prestige I believe. It was super comfy and actually fit me well! 

A C4 display above the sunshirt rack. 

This super bizarre Stubben dressage saddle. 

Oh man how I wanted these babies.

 ...until I saw THESE. 

Some really bizarre girths are on the market today...

And that is all the fun stuff! I love seeing posts about Equestrian shopping adventures so I figured why not share mine! I also came home with a Mattes girth cover because CJ thinks Mr. PrincessPants would prefer a fuzzy girth. My bank account hurts.