Holy hell. It's been forever. And no I didn't "forget" to blog. Or any of that lame shit. (Yes, sassiness is at an all time high, thanks for noticing.)
So, #Pegleg, what happened?
Well. y'all remember the week where I was like "zomg zombie. can't sleep. can't eat. life is awful." I made it through that week ok. Sleeping meds were working. I was eating. And then Monday happened.
4/20- Felt like shit physically but mentally was doing awesomesauce. So naturally I did my two workouts and rode Argorn (CJ's 4th level warmblood). On the way home I started feeling feverish, but I didn't care. I jammed to my music and was going to pop some advil when I got home and the skys were blue and rainbows and butterflies. Then I pulled in my driveway.
Random man hanging out. Um ok. He was like "Yo. My ex-girlfriend is in your house and idk what's going on but you need to go help her." Alright. This chick wasn't my roomate. Walk in, girl is crying and naked on my roommates bed. Well that escalated quickly. Apparently the dude called her mom to come get her so I just sat there and consoled her until her mom appeared. Apparently girl was just tired and drunk. Alright, mission accomplished. Time for shower, dinner, advil, and bed.
HAHA NO. Then my roommate appears. She was upset about something. I got bitched out, four tequila shots later she got over it. And then she accidentally punched through the kitchen window. Again, that escalated quickly. It was indeed an accident.
Yeah it escalated quickly. |
Cutting through all the boring stuff here. More tequila and a few EMT friends later she got all fixed up. Msiz was beat. I crawled into bed without dinner or advil. Better luck tomorrow?
4/21- Woke up extra early to take roomie to the Drs so they could get any additional glass out of her hand and stitch those suckas up. Apparently it hurt because by the time I made it downstairs to leave to go she was a few tequila shots in and couldn't walk. Awesomesauce. Drug her to the doctor, she got stitches and x-rays. Meanwhile, I'm feeling hot and sweaty, and not in a good way. Bought her some Tacobell and tucked her in for the day. I crawled back upstairs for sleep. I figured it was a 24 hr flu and I'd get through this.
4/22- Sleep all day. Roomie fed me taco bell and lots of gatorade. Commence black plague status.
4/23- Alright. This shit has been going on too long. Dr time. Did lots of tests- everything was negative. Cool. Got Penicillin and lots of IV fluids.
Second does of Penicillin later- swollen face and mouth. Yikes. I was feeling extra sucky because of that, can't sleep. Really thinking I have the black plague.
4/24- Wohoo back to urgent care. No more penicillin for me, ever. That Dr was convinced I had mono but I forced him to do more bloodwork. I WILL NOT SETTLE.
Skip to 4/27- Basically it was death all weekend. Monday morning my mom was at the dentist and telling him about my issues. Apparently he knows exactly what it is! Wheeled myself to the dentist and he's like, "Yup you have an infection in your gums and it is making you sick." Well ok dentist dude. MY MOUTH WASN'T EVEN SWOLLEN UNTIL PENICILLIN. But ok.
Scheduled oral surgery for Friday. Yus, just what I always wanted!
Post surgery. Mm juice. I know I look awesome here. |
5/1- Got drugged. They dug around in my mouth. My awesome roomie brought me flowers (I was at my parents house). That made up for the shit I had to deal with the previous week.
5/2- Parents got married! Don't know how I made it through that one.
So stinkin cute. |
5/4- Finals week.
Finals got me like- |
Today- I'M ALIVE. And can be a functioning human being that goes to work and rides her horse. Damn. Month from hell, amirite?
Alright, that is what happened. Mouth still hurts. Really not sure what was wrong with me. Whatever, I'm not sick anymore. And it is summer! Tanning, riding, and working (make dem monies). Peace homies.